The platform has the power to reshape our thinking
and working styles At BOTA ,
what once seemed impossible is now becoming reality.


N × 103

Increased throughput by 3 orders of magnitude.

C ÷ 103

Reduced unit experiment cost by 1 order of magnitude.

E × 102

Improved operational efficiency by 2 orders of magnitude.

N × 103

Increased throughput by 3 orders of magnitude.

C ÷ 103

Reduced unit experiment cost by 1 order of magnitude.

E × 102

Improved operational efficiency by 2 orders of magnitude.

integrated digital platform realizes


Seamless integration of
wet and dry lab

Complete traceability of
and phenotype

Cognitive automation of
the decision
making process

This platform not only expeditiously validates the ideas
from the world's top scientists and model-derived hypotheses
but also seamlessly translates laboratory findings into high-performing products.